Saturday, 4 October 2014

31 Day Challenge, Day 3 - Yellow

Day 3! This wraps up the 31 Day Challenge for me, having now gone back and completely every day. I did each challenge on each day. It was tiring but also quite rewarding, and I certainly met my two goals of improving as a blogger and as a nail artist, and interacting more with other nail bloggers.

I've also decided to get an instagram, so you can now find me on instagram here. Same name! :D

For today's manicure. I was inspired by the "song" prompt from earlier (later?) in the challenge, so today's nails are brought to you by the song "Banana Phone".


So catchy! I'm a big ice hockey fan, and when I watch streamed games from the Melbourne Ice, they play this in the intermission. (I'm a fan of the CBR Brave though! And in the NHL, the Pittsburgh Penguins - their first game of the season is on the 8th and I'm pretty excited for it.)

I started by painting my nails with BYS' Sunshine. I wanted to use a different yellow to usual, to mix things up... but I remembered why I don't often use different yellows! This is five coats. I then stamped using Cheeky plates CH42 and CH53. I like the effect, and it's quite eye-catching - three people asked to get a better look at them this afternoon.

And that's a wrap!


  1. Wow again a stunning manicure!
    I've just discovered this blog but I'm already a big fan ;)
    Looking forward to read your next post!

    xx julia

    1. Thanks Julia, that's so nice to hear :) I have a pretty cool manicure for my next post! Should go up tomorrow!

  2. Such a great bananaphone mani! It came out super well.
